BAKE: to cook in an oven preheated according to recipe.
BATTER: a mixture of liquid, flour and other ingredients that can
vary in consistency.
BEAT: to mix two or more ingredients together, usually in a circular
motion, until smooth.
BOIL: to cook a liquid in a saucepan usually on the stove until
bubbles rise and break the surface and steam usually rises from
BROIL: to cook under the top element in an oven.
BROWN: to fry, broil or bake food to deepen it's natural surface
color but not cooking it.
CHILL: to refrigerate until cold.
CHOP: to cut food into small pieces.
COMBINE: to mix two or more ingredients together.
CREAM: to make soft, smooth and creamy by beating.
CUT IN: to combine solid fat with dry ingredients using a fork,
pastry blender or knives until mixture is crumbly.
DICE: to cut food into small cube like pieces.
DOUBLING: to double a recipe - use twice the amount of all
ingredients to make twice the size of the recipe.
DRAIN: to strain away unwanted liquid.
DRIZZLE: to dribble drops of icing or chocolate over food in a random pattern.
DROP: to scoop dough with a spoon, making rounded or heaping piles.
FOLD: to gently mix ingredients by using a spatula and moving food
from center and lifting towards edge of bowl turning bowl as you go.
GARNISH: to decorate food with edible items like sliced fruit or herbs.
GREASE: to rub the inside of baking pans with butter, margarine or
baking sprays to prevent from sticking.
GREASE & FLOUR: After greasing your baking pan adding flour to
lightly coat the pan.
HALVING: to reduce the amount of all ingredients in a recipe to make
only half the recipe.
KNEAD: to work dough into a smooth texture by pressing and folding
with the heels of your hands.
LET STAND: to let baked goods cool down on a wire rack or hot pad
wile it's still baking.
MASH: to squash foods with a fork or potato masher.
MELT: to heat a solid food until it turns to liquid.
PREHEAT: to prepare oven to correct temperature prior to baking.
PROCESS: to mix or cut up in a food processor or blender.
ROLL OUT: to lightly roll dough with rolling pin to required
thickness as per recipe.
ROUNDED TSP/TBSP: to mound ingredients or dough slightly in a
teaspoon or tablespoon.
RUB IN: to mix fat with flour using fingers until mixture has the
texture of crumbs.
SCRAPE: to use a rubber spatula to remove as much of the mixture as
possible from a bowl or saucepan.
SHAPE: to use hands to roll or mould dough into balls, rolls or other forms.
SIMMER: to cook liquids over very low heat.
SIEVE: to remove lumps from flour or icing sugar by pushing through a sieve.
SLICE: to cut food into thin sections using a sharp knife.
TOAST: to brown lightly in a toaster or frying pan or under broiler.
TOSS: to mix salad ingredients lightly.
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